MIDNIGHT POETRY – ‘Unresolved’

looking for solutions
to heal the heart
vibrant sound bath
returns me on my path

chanting beads
relaxing sounds
watch the flame
peace will come

forgiven to all
except myself
still too hard
on this one

obsessed with
the inner voice
holding the reins
playing old beliefs

immersed in silence
sitting in stillness
finding a solace
in each breath

further more
for the wisdom
of the sages

into infinity


mediocre life
from job to bed
selling your soul
raise the bar

load a camel
cross a desert
refuge in an oasis
who needs a car

fragrant spices
lamps and oils
awaiting at an
exotic bazaar

coins and trinkets
for a rainy day
collected and stored
in a glass jar

find your guru
under the bodhi tree
who do you think
you are

search on google
still not sure
sit in meditation
go beyond far

a chair or a bed
get inside your head
undergo an operation
without any scar

kundalini rising
if you have no clue
do your research
it’s rather bizarre

convincing as real
conscious energy
is what we are
god and a superstar

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Random Truths’

pull out the skis
in this scorching heat
that’s really just a tease

food that agrees
with vego lifestyle
is likely not Chinese

a ship on an open seas
people getting sea sick
by a little bit of breeze

when one has an expertise
in whichever profession
they can ask for higher fees

selection of green teas
drank around the world
loved by the Japanese

we need mature trees
oxygen from our air
plus pollinator bees

secrets locked without keys
passed down by devotees
universal truths like these

i still eat butter and cheese
until i deserve it fully
don’t call me vegan please

carpe diem
it’s not too late
the day let’s seize

MIDNIGHT POETRY ‘Extraordinary Read’

Don Miguel Ruiz’s
The Four Agreements
influenced me immensely
a publication
transcending time

from the teaching
and wisdom of Toltecs
tradition passed down
through generations
of their shamans

openly uncovering
the secret of life
how to live a happy
content life
being the best
version of oneself

the first of the
four agreements
Be impeccable
with your word

simple yet powerful
refers to our choice
of words we speak
and how to say them
using them for good

the second of the
Don’t take anything

be immune to
words and deeds
of others

what they say and do
is not about you
but about themselves
their own story

third agreement
Don’t make assumptions
communicate with clarity
and ask if you don’t know

the last one of the four
Always do your best
to avoid regret
always do your

the above agreements
have an ongoing
significant impact
on my life

if you are intrigued
go find the book
i highly recommend it

let’s make each other

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Overweight’

an update!
what we ate
could relate
to our fate

there has been a debate
that what is on the plate
illness can create

how could one translate
kind words of a mate
saying we carry extra weight

our appetite does dilate
we start to eat at eight
stop when it’s too late

exercise we sure hate
to wiggle like a fat bait
then meet the same fate

yet! it is not in us innate

I willfully state
it is not too late
new habits to dictate

the promise is great
to change our fate
we cannot wait

for a better date
or be too overweight
to fit the heavens gate

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘The Pyramid’

Maslow built a pyramid
motivation in a model
human needs placed
on different steps

bodily needs at the bottom
safety on the first step
belonging and love on the next
accomplishment above that

self actualization in the tip
to achieve one’s full potential
through creative activities
to be the best one can be

to live a life of high morals
spontaneously with meaning
fulfilling our inner potential
is the highest of our needs

when we are not there yet
it simply means our other needs
have not been met yet

the thing to consider
how our mental state
affects our physical reality

unless we are seeing ourselves
as already achieving our dream
including the detailed picture

our body-mind doesn’t know
what place to take us to
and we are still elsewhere

create a better mental imagery
life will improve accordingly


who knows what’s real
only living can reveal
if it’s a good deal

until we all feel
strong as a steel
of an automobile

thieves resort to steal
some beg for a meal
organic would be ideal

our whole planet can heal
nobody has to kneel
layers of truth we peel

life is surreal


someone asked
is there a reason
i don’t have a child

I just sighed
to myself
‘not again!’

who likes to answer
questions like that?

there is myriad of reasons
for every decision we make
whether conscious or not

yet when someone asks
there is not much to say
or it goes like this –

‘because of blablabla’
the other person
hears nothing

just feels the need
to explain and justify
their own situation

as they already
have kids
usually without
much prior thought

MORNING POETRY – ‘Opportunities’

constant ebb and flow
ocean of opportunities
beyond our earth plane
field of consciousness

tap into the vastness
larger slice of life
awaiting patiently
for each and every one

steady progress forward
into the future realms
once all else vanishes
yet the soul remains

blessed to be here
materialized and alive
fabulous episode
fleeting moments

cherish the given
the free gift of life
embrace the magic
of each single breath

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Across The Road’

heat of the oven
coolness of ice
mighty connection
to be precise

start a journey
end it on the path
life in time and space
enjoy a bubbly bath

the wind turns heads
ruffles a few feathers
who loves wholeness
stopped using leathers

count your blessings
having one too many
black cat across the road
already lived her twenty

string of pearls
tiny little sands
over time persistence
nature understands

create your joy
find a happy heart
chance to succeed
is high – if you start


your destiny in a blue ink
spelled out on a bathroom sink

stoics without feeling
undergo a distant healing

see through what we all do
living in a human zoo

locked in a mental cage
fast forward our age

in captivity restrained
to the news box chained

wash your hands we do the brain
backed by science to explain

seeds robbed out of plants
no bees so pollinate by ants

your fear is our long term gain
to feed you bugs as a main

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Secret Mission’

life for a mission
without permission
missing a spark
stumbling in the dark

contentment with now
searching for the sacred how
pulling on the magic string
hooking up new crochet thing

what is the secret code
that will reveal the road
to self realize my potential
my life so quintessential

the best of me is yet to show
connecting to spirit in the flow
my yearning for the words of souls
now on the top of NY goals

MORNING POETRY – ‘Uncertainty’

so here we go
my cheeks are too fat
that doesn’t sit well
with my pants

is it the sweetness
of the food i eat
or the emotions
harbored within

my life story
unwritten untold
creative activities
fixed on food

where to find a joyous
focused task
giving me purpose
how to feel alive

for one I know
writing does it
my fingers help
the mind to settle

the reader is still
to be discovered

MIDNIGHT POETRY -‘Transformation’

don’t get me wrong
i for one am strong
believer in the dogma
that prevails for long

that it’s ok to be woman
that it’s ok to be man
it’s ok to be human
since the life began

the consensus is that
we all should be glad
to be living together
loneliness is pretty sad

now saying that
look inside the hat
pull out the rabbit
make sure it is not a rat

the make up looks bit tragic
perform a piece of magic
stick with the old part
undertake a change of heart

let’s get this one straight
for a miracle is never late
the outcome might surprise
even the creator the great

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Serene Land’

vivid green lushness
deep turquoise springs
mossy tree trunks
ferns covering the ground

snow capped mountains
icy glaciers receding out
hikes of several days
night in a distant hut

below zero temps
air fresh and moist
falling from the sky
pieces of white clouds

touching the ground
ever so gently
melted by the sun
beaming with light

the spring time almost
palatable and visible
on the tree branches
flowers of fruits to be

days pleasantly long
nights warm by the fire
crackling of the wood
sipping hot inka drink

loving the atmosphere
of the southern land
too far for all the
dangerous critters

roads pretty clear
other cars hardly there
humans surpassed
by the number of sheep

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘The Inside Job’

stubborn feelings
persistent emotions
looking inside
finding the cause

what ifs
never happen anyway
unless we get certain
and bring them onto us

each wish is our
sacred command
what starts as a thought
could become real

the best way to tackle it
be conscious of our feelings
when something does feel off
check the thought process

the culprit is in the mind
awareness is the key
look within and breathe
bring in a new fresh wish

state it in the positive
or neutral color scheme
and let it gather momentum
the snowball effect

replace the unwanted
with the desired and wished for
clearing the cupboard of the mind
clarity awaits

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Earthly Fetish’

fancy fascination
with the form
of the earth

is it round
is it square
perhaps a triangle

merely observed
in distant vacuum
as blue object
hanging in space

our senses far from perfect
our mind a born liar
our science based images
assume a sense of certainty

and then those who
don’t swallow that ball
searching for difference
being the odd one out

the argument is hot
is it not
the topic profound
meaning a lot

the base of western society
rooted in continuous data
poked out of the thin air

whoever wants to fight
the windmills of Don Quixote
is gently yet surely crucified
then barbequed at stake
all in the one lifetime

the truth is not too obvious
that those who fight for it
the point is not
the shape of the earth

it is the fundamental ideas
forming our societal beliefs
which would crumble to the ground
should we pick a different stance

based on science
we can trust perhaps
or maybe not

will we ever learn
to be simply happy
to still be alive
settling the argument

with no further agenda
to change or to destroy
to quarrel and argue
to conquer and fight

is that a too far fetched
i ask


The start of the silly season
Time to fret without much reason
Christmas meal cold leg of ham
Eating dead pig what a scam

Until we all somehow awaken
We tend to live quite mistaken
For who benefits from all this craze
With our core emotions plays

Stop behaving like the herd
Gift some love and caring word
Give up the shopping spree
It’s the best gifts that are FREE

MIDNIGHT POETRY – ‘Into The Depth’

footprints in the sand
soft coral between the toes
walk on a deserted beach

tropical sun barely a cloud
day perfect for a dip
time to hop inside


soft waves caressing the body
sea salt soothing the skin
water warm like a bath

floating on the surface
face covered by a hat
arms and legs spread out

large cargo ship
stacked metal containers
covering the distance

on the horizon
white sailboat
sail up towards the sky

emerging from the sea
coolness of the wind
rubs into the skin

time has been forgotten
all worries floated away
into the ocean depth
feeling alive again

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDNIGHT POETRY – ‘Closer To Reach’

without much warning
in that moment
the sky has opened
clouds shed hardened tears
lit by the lightning
dogs lost their bark

mighty rumbling
sudden silence
peaceful and vast

the storm moves on
taking with it
the tin roof
hiking up the insurance

yet it is known
there is always
silver lining on each cloud
without the roof
the stars now shine

closer to reach

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Forgotten Wisdom’

in a split of a second
the world has crumbled
the words we said
now occupy the head

as we parted
time run out
no more excuses
just blown up fuses

racing pulse
pounding heart
forever bitter
not very smart

let’s grow a little
by each lost nerve
rest assured we get
what we deserve

the day we learn
to keep our cool
we become masters
let wisdom rule

for spotify subscribers – the above poem read by the author

book cover


Dear readers,

The latest of my poetry is now available in print. What a great joy to hold this new poetry book in my hands!

Thank you for your ongoing support, reading, liking, commenting and sharing of my poetry (as always, please include the link to this webpage when sharing). Many thanks for being a kind reader.

You can locate and purchase some of my published works HERE

To purchase any of my books, please visit: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/hanarubinstejnova

Be well, be great, be you!



summer heat
on my feet
no more socks
feel the rocks

walked at noon
burned real soon
aloe the best potion
applied in slow motion

cold bath and hot tea
magic you can see
with your own eyes
next time let’s be wise

for spotify subscribers – the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Survival’

knockout beauty
agile and vibrant
a gazelle stotting
from her hideout

sensing a predator
all legs up in the air
speeding for safety

being a vegetarian
choice of light meals
dry land with no water
gives her extra strength

stamina of a runner
body of a goddess
this time she escaped


recording of the above poem read by the author


in captivity
silent tears
grizzly bear
the enclosure
slowly giving in

by the spirit
of a heroic

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Belonging’

belonging to a like minded group
gives us a sense of purpose

stability under our feet

and an assurance
that our life choices
are acceptable
and ok

such a group provides
the environment
of safety

it is a backbone
of our life structure
the proof that
we belong

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Life Ends At Forty’

baking a bread
it could be said
I am a bit sad

trying to express it
using a few words
no space for tears

feeling discontent
life is jolly good
yet the mind is off

like a rotten apple
swallowed by mistake
as the snake laughs

desire for solitude
cover up of social shyness
love of one’s company

our need to shine
our need to display
our need for a sign
our need to pray

our need to be okay

who said life starts at forty
was delusional

recording of the above poem read by the author


there is so much to do
and nothing gets done
with an overloaded mind

mental fog
lacking structure
step by step

where to start
when all seems
to be important

write two columns
one for things you can do
one you have to get done

sort out the priorities
on the first side
and leave the rest

universe has your back
choose your tasks
trust in its help

and it is so

recording of the poem above read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘With A Shovel’

what a day!
it was today
I have to say

now standing tall
heavy steel beam
building strong team

in the sweat and heat
shedding calories
shoveling grit

bit of daily drama
before it was ready
sun burned steady

quickly setting
in the ground
concrete mound

gallons of water
out of the tank
like money from the bank

think positive
and on your feet
the groundwork

is complete

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Springtime’

full spectrum rainbow in the sky
with no rain on the horizon

walkers in shorts and singlets
trying to work out their thoughts

dogs stopped barking for a while
bird songs filled the fresh air

a fountain drew in native bees
chilling next to the little bird pool

deep red color of the fresh flowers
butterflies gently flying around

the spring has come to town
bringing an abundance of life forms

time of the fresh and alive
a new season has started


recording of the above poem read by the author


vibrations through my body
cleansing an emotional charge
releasing the long held pressure

sudden burst of joy
when the waves penetrate
deeper and deeper

the feeling of elation
before contentment
with all there is

the sound of gongs
followed by crystal bowls
the perfect sound bath

still resonating in
all my cells

for spotify subscribers – recording of the above poem read by the author


flying off a push bike
little girl pink skirt
landed in the grass

helmet on the head
bewildered look
ended that fall

straight ahead her dad
who teased the act
by stretching his arms

hight into the sky
as the wheels rolled
down the road

the girl learned quickly
dads cannot be trusted
with advice on flying

without crash landing

recording of the above poem read by the author


It is with great excitement that I wish to announce the birthing of a new poetry book.

It has been on my mind for some time to get another poetry book published. And finally it has happened.

The books’ proof is now at the printers and shall be ready within a few weeks.

Here is to many more expressive and transformative poems written and published.

I can’t wait to hold the book in my hand!

Thank you all for your ongoing encouragement and reading of the poems published on this site.

I appreciate your attention and kind comments.

With thanks,


MORNING POETRY – ‘Natures Ways’

deep sounds of didge
setting out the tone
outside strong wind
moving through tall trees

magpies playing in
a water fountain
black and white coat
ruffling their feathers

thin feet bathed
in the cool wet liquid
droplets of rain expected
any day soon hopefully

it has been hot and dry winter
not much left of the grass
but for a few brown patches
ducks decimating the parsley

what is left of it
only the stalks
nature has her own

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDNIGHT POETRY – ‘Life of Magnitude’

a wave of gratitude
for life of magnitude
friends of high quality
philosophy of equality

starting today a new chapter
now time we unwrapped her
aiming at the highest cloud
where being fulfilled is allowed

strong desire burns within
let the maturity begin

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Bliss Meditation’

the silence, the emptiness
caressing the mind

here and there random
thought form, impulse

a wave of bliss
passing through

alertness one moment
close to sleep the next

stillness unmoved
just the slow breath
lifting the ribs

feeling of nothingness
connected to the whole

inside an eruption
fire flowing
in a stream

no resistance

recorded reading of the above poem by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Attitude of Gratitude’

start the day by giving thanks
all what happens has a value
when we appreciate what came our way
we bring forth energies of higher realms
to cooperate with our desires

with the attitude of gratitude
a stinging nettle burning the skin
also provides its healing properties
for our body’s health benefit

step into the magical world
where all turns to gold
all we need is to have
a clean mirror of perception

strong and clear presence
at the forefront of the third eye
stay inside and see through
what is real and what an illusion

recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDNIGHT POETRY – ‘The Formless’

allow me to ponder
the living art
of reading bodies
greatly overlooked
for its accuracy

what forms the body
is our mental chatter
reoccurrence of feelings
when we meet new person
we know instantly
who they are
before they talk

shaping the formless
embodying the emotions
hands holding trauma
shoulders carrying
weight of the world
legs the support structure
of the living energy
skin thin easy to get under

the reason we often wish
to change our body is
due to our incongruent
thoughts, words and actions
we feel we should look one way
yet the reflection in the mirror
speaks volumes of how
we truly function inside

brave up and
embrace ourselves
just the way
we are


for spotify subscribers – the poem above read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – “The Unfolding”

eternity since
the doors opened
still waiting at the sill
shivering I
to enter or to run
hide or reach within

pull on all the strengths
walk through
into the unknown
trusting in the good
the magic unfolds

at times glimpses
of infinity and love
preserving them
a desired skill
more than not
there are moments
defining the past
and fears that scream
into the future

a new chapter
every day
an opportunity
to transform
into love


recording of the above poem read by the author


too fat for a morning jog
too fat for a gym
too fat for a nature’s walk
too fat for a swim

nothing helps to motivate
green shake taste of grass
gym right across the road
tight leggings sign of class

the body growing bigger suit
the mystery of getting lean
the food intake is increasing
no movement to be seen

there are reasons to cry
and yet more to laugh
what brings our satisfaction
being content with half

to eat less to drink more
to think less to love more
to dream less to live more
to sit less to move more

saying that watching the screen
tell me what do I mean
deep down the endless fight
delish food or looking light

recording of the above poetry read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Ungrounded’

free of boundaries
there is no limit to
what can be achieved
in unexpected

hovering above our head
aircraft of uneven shape
soldiers of the stars
landing on earth

unrelated scattered
yet emerging from the one
personal attack on

unite in solitude
resolute and wild
unmoved unshaken
staying true
to the one

love the haters
all they ask is
more compassion
gratitude and love
accept them

recording of the above poem read by the author


So early so much life left
Unexpected departure
Cut from existence
Time of sorrow
For a friend

Living a full life
Cherishing each moment
Finding the hidden treasures
In every heart beat and every eye blink
Breathed by existence
Until not

recording of the above poem read by the author

MORNING POETRY – ‘Writer’s Block’

clean sheet of screen paper
fingers ready to type
the phone makes a sound
distracted and curious
who is on the other side
just have a quick look

one thing leads to another
a few hours later
finally back to typing
now all prepared
the muse is late

waiting waiting waiting
patiently for her arrival
in the meantime
thoughts about food enter

here come hunger pangs
or perhaps just peckish
no space for poetry
inside an empty mind

peek into the fridge
not much choice
where is the muse
maybe stuck in traffic

banana an energy boost
maybe it will inspire
the phone rings
lengthy discussion about nothing

back to the writing screen
where is the muse so long
when one needs her most
what has happened to her

put on some smooth tunes
that will help for sure
falling into meditation
memories come and go

an hour later awakened
from retro emotional trip
when the music finished
startled by cheesy voice in ads

muse still nowhere to be seen
must have slept in
best to think in positives
she will come again

until that moment though
there is not much one can do
other than
to write

MIDNIGHT POETRY -‘Without Emotions’

this dream felt only through the finger tips
the heart a passenger by the mind
driving us forward into the unknown

perhaps these are all just empty words
no emotion activated by them
no feelings, no engagement

who can tell what is
the main aim of a poem
hidden deep inside

steady deliverance from bondage
tight shackles opening up
the truths coming out

bringing out
sleeping formulas
from the unconscious

rebelling against status quo
of all there is
with a little but

an alphabet

for spotify subscribers – recording of the above poem read by the author

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Relax Into It’

the dark circles under the blue eyes
speak for years of sleep deprivation
now relax and breathe
our soul family is with us forever

the heart is where love resides
beyond the pulsing muscle
vibrant body is a safe haven
for the ever present spirit

raw music in the back of the head
the clarity as it comes through
the bold notes and trumpets
the unique symphony

be it our solace that all once ends
the end of the drama is here
the judgement day is in the past
stop the worry and relax into it

let the emotions burn then subside
little bit at a time there is no hurry
stay in the present moment
relieved there is still more to be

becoming new again

recording of the poem read by the author

MIDNIGHT POETRY – ‘Darkness Burst’

convoluted stories part of my life
a moment of silence then a roar
water gushing down the cheeks
all of a sudden burst of laughter
unexpected, unprepared, intense
something came out of a dark closet
transforming its dark corners
with its shine
calling it the light

for spotify subscribers – the above poem read by the author

Medium Found!

I stumbled across Medium!
Are you familiar with Medium?
Am I the last one to find it?

After some reading and video watching
I have a miniature idea about its use
Would love to hear your thoughts

Do you write or read on it?
Is it worth your time?
Is it the next best thing
After fresh sourdough bread?

I got as far as creating my profile
And posted one article
Speak to me friends…

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Newly Discovered’

safe not sorry, I write my story
sitting upright I feel quite alright
rhyming is not in anymore
I read somewhere tonight
when one tends to be a herbivore

so I scratch my head in disbelief
now I could not imagine
to become a writer of haiku
words pouring out too many a line

in meditation there is no time
let me get out of the controlling mind
and let the words write themselves
without further edit
let us see if
anyone actually read it

for spotify subscribers – recording of the above poem read by the author


Thank you dear readers (and listeners) for your patience. It was brought to my attention that some of the audio readings of the poems were posted with an incorrect links. A tech issue I could say 🙂

This has now been rectified.

What I can tell you is that it has been a big learning curve for me. And still continues to be, as I do more of these recordings. It sure is interesting exercise for anyone, to hear your own voice, reading – in my case the poems. What we often don’t realize is how we sound to others, and then again how different our voice sounds on a recorder. A new dimension for sure. 😉

Well, enough for tonight. Just to say that if you wished to hear the poems on this site in my voice, many of them are now available (most for free). And if you feel like posting a comment on any of the poems, feel free to do so (gently please).

I wish you a beautiful sun filled day, wherever you are in the world.

We now have night here in Australia. So stay well and uplifted.

